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23rd June 2020As a direct result of Coronavirus an Exeter-based business owner has had to adapt the core activity of her newly launched company, Exe Nordic Walking. A former teacher, Sue Holden established her fledgling company at the beginning of this year, teaching small groups the technique of Nordic Walking. From March she has been unable to organise walking groups following Covid-19 lockdown, so has switched to booking 1:1 training sessions for clients in order to recognise Government’s social distancing measures and ensuring sanitising of the Nordic poles.
Nordic Walking uses the specially designed poles to enhance your natural walking experience with a technique similar to the upper body action of classic cross-country skiing. It becomes a genuinely whole-body exercise that can be enjoyed at many levels, at low, medium, or high intensity with more than 10 million people globally enjoying this popular outdoor activity all year round.
Keen to become a leader in leading fitness and ‘move-more’ walks, Sue trained to become a fully qualified INWA Nordic Walking Instructor. She set up her independent business Exe Nordic Walking in January 2020 so she could teach the specialised technique to groups of people, in and around Exeter’s many parks and open spaces.
Sue Holden, Owner – Exe Nordic Walking said: “I initially started walking more so I could get fit, and lose weight, and developed a passion for Nordic Walking which has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Before Covid-19, I attended up to three Pilates sessions and an aqua fit class each week which I had to give up. During lockdown I have Nordic walked every other day and am pleased to find I have maintained and in fact improved my fitness levels.”
She adds: “I was so excited about starting my new business earlier this year and then in March it all came to a dramatic halt because of the pandemic. Now, in line with Government guidelines, I’m able to take individual walkers out, offering daytime, evening, weekday and weekend courses to people of all ages and fitness levels whilst recognising social distancing. At Exe Nordic Walking I work with clients at their level, encouraging more movement and enjoyment of all the health benefits that come with being more physically active.”
Nordic Walking is a very accessible activity and something that can be shared by people of different fitness levels. It is an ideal activity for people who have not exercised for a while and may dislike traditional sports, running or the gym. And because Nordic Walking does not feel like hard work, you will be happy to walk further and for longer.
Sue concludes: “Whatever your age from 18 to 80+, you’ll enjoy discovering the benefits of Nordic Walking, improving your quality of life; getting outdoors during daylight hours encourages the brain to produce the chemicals serotonin and melatonin, improving mind, appetite, and restful sleep. Exercising in a green environment compared with indoors or built up environments, is proven to release endorphins which boosts your mood, lowers stress levels as well as making us feel energised and create a positive attitude; all extremely important during these challenging times. I think of Nordic Walking as nature’s gym.”
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